Things to do before you start

There are a few things that you can do before you open your account. This will help to keep your account away from prying eyes

First set up a seperate email address not linked to your name. You could use Gmail or Yahoo to do this. Having a separate email that is not linked to your personal account is a great idea. You would hate to get a notification that your favorite content creator is going live right in the middle of showing your friend your photos from your weekend ski trip! Set up that dedicated email account!

You are going to need a credit card to set up your account. OnlyFans is very good with making sure you approve any spend on your card, we have had our card linked for a long time and there has been no surprise deductions! BUT who sees your credit card bills? If someone else has access to your credit card bills it would be a great idea to set up a separate credit card for use on the site. Discover is great for this and can be set up pretty quickly.

A snippet from a credit card bill showing the onlyfans transactions


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